The principles were received through the mediumship of Mrs Emma Hardinge Britten in 1871 from Mr Robert Owen a renowned socialist of his time who had passed to spirit in 1858. At the time of being given, the principles were five statements.
The Fatherhood of God, The Brotherhood of Man, The Immortality of the Soul and its Personal Characteristics, Personal Responsibillity, Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done here and a path of Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul that wills to tread it by the path of Eternal Good.
When the Spiritualist National Union (SNU) was founded in 1901 the seven principles were adopted as a basis for the Spiritualist Religion. The principles are as follows:-
1. The Fatherhood of God
The Fatherhood of God, describes the great creator we know as God. The father who looks after his family, protects them, helps them to grow, imparts knowledge to them. God created us in his own image, which is why we all have a tiny part of that universal energy within us. We always know that the father is our support in times of need, he never fails us.
2. The Brotherhood of Man
As one universal family we have lots of brothers and sisters, hence the brotherhood of man another support system we all benefit from. We can all learn to love and be loved whether it be father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son or the love of a partner, wife or husband. With this great support system we have no reason to fail in our spiritual quest.
3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
The Communion of Spirits and Ministry of Angels shows us that through mediumship and other forms of phenomena we can learn to prove that life continues after physical death. That those loved ones that have passed to the higher life can still be around us communicate with us, teach us and guide us on our pathway.
4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul
Continuous Existence of the Human Soul teaches us that there is no beginning and no end. The universal force or energy just continues. When we die our earthly body is discarded and our spirit continues in another dimension where we can progress further.
5. Personal Responsibility
It is our own Personal Responsibility for all that we do, say and think. We are governed by the natural law of cause and effect, so when we pass to the spirit world we have to confront ourselves with everything we have done in our life.
6. Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth
We will earn compensation for all the good deeds we have done and retribution for those things we have done that have marred others lives in some way.
7. Eternal Progress Open to Every Human Soul
Eternal Progress Open to Every Human Soul, is there for everyone, not just a chosen few. If you develop your spiritual gifts by hard work you will gain your reward by progressing to a higher level in this life and the next.
All these principles are important they are all part of the jigsaw of life. Each principle supports the other and gives you the full picture. On the earth plain if a family did not have love and support it would fall apart. Spiritualism provides that complete life support and guidance that is needed for our spiritual growth. Each principal is open to individual interpretation.
So in conclusion, we have unconditional love of a father in God or the Life Force, the love and support of Brothers and Sisters. The ability to communicate spirit to spirit, dimension to dimension. An existence for eternity and total responsibility for all we do. Reward or reckoning for all good and evil deeds done in our lives and eternal progression. What more could we ask for?