He was born in 1826 in Orange County New York. His family were very poor and Andrew suffered very bad health consequently receiving very little education. His mother passed away in 1841 when he was fifteen but Andrew was not sad as he could see where his mother was living and could hear her voice saying that she was very happy where she was. Andrew was able to visit the Summerland as he called it whilst in trance state and he saw many spirit people including a doctor called Galen who gave Andrew a spirtual cane to lean on. A golden light appeared to him and he saw these words: "Behold, here is thy magic staff. Under all circumstances keep an even mind. Take it. Walk with it. Talk with it. Lean on it. Believe on it. Forever."
This staff helped him many times with spiritual guidance. Andrew saw many spirit children and learnt that they went to school in the Summerland. They learnt how things worked, about colours and music and many other things. He was told that these schools in the Summerland were called Lyceums. Andrew gave a talk in 1863 at Dodsworth Hall on Broadway, New York, about his experiences and what he had learnt and seen in the Summerland. Those who listened to him thought that it would be a good idea to have a school like this on the earth plane, which lead to the first Lyceum being formed with Andrew as its founder.
Mrs Hayden came from America in 1852 and was the first spiritualist medium to work in England. The church and the press gave her a very hard time but she still managed to demonstrate spirit return.
Sir William was a great physicist who set out to discredit Spitiualism. He found during his investigations that the evidence, especially of Katie King through the Mediumship of Florence Cook was so remarkable that he remained a Spiritualist for the rest of his life.
Emma went to America in 1856 where she gained an interest in Spiritualism. Her own psychic powers were developed and she was able to demonstrate her mediumship in New York. She was very gifted psychically, being able to do automatic writing, psychometry,inspired speaking, healing, prophecy and teaching the truths of Spiritualism. Emma became leader of the new movement the National Federation of Spiritualists (later to be changed to The Spiritual National Union).She produced the first copy of The Two Worlds magazine which she edited for five years. Through Emma's mediumship the Principles of Spitirualism, then being only five statements were given by Robert Owen a renowned socialist.These were the basis of the Seven Principles used by The Spiritualists National Union today. Emma sadly passed to spirit in 1899.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is widely known for writing the Sherlock Holmes books. However, he is also known for being a spiritualist and openly speaking and writing about it. He was a member of The Society for Psychical Research and published an article regarding his investigations in 'The New Revelation'. He travelled widely spreading the word about Spiritualism and became known as the 'St Paul of Spiritualism'. When he passed to the world of spirit he was regarded as an Honorary President of the S.N.U. in spirit.